Marian Hemstreet

     A native of Texas, Marian Hemstreet grew up in Charlottesville, Virginia, and put down roots in Arizona in 1977. "My family traveled through Arizona every summer when I was a child, and I fell in love with the distance across the land and the brilliance of the night skies that continue to inspire and amaze me."

     Marian spent over twenty years in the art and advertising business with her late husband, Bob Hemstreet, who was a cartoonist for Walt Disney in the mid 1950's. She attributes much of her art training to him. They worked closely for over twenty years, developing marketing and advertising materials for many Arizona and national clients. After Bob's passing, Marian moved to Hawaii and spent three years on Oahu with family, and worked in public relations, representing her company at the Executive Women Internationals' Honolulu Chapter.

     In 2002, Marian moved back to Arizona and began her art business -- Arcadia Arts. She paints almost daily. "I love painting, because I can express the beauty I see in a wordless way that brings distance up close. A painting is like a window that needs no explanation." Her medium of choice is acrylic paint, because she likes the soft, cloth-like texture that can be achieved on the canvas.

     Marian has four grown children; one in Texas, one in Hawaii, and two in Arizona. She resides in Tempe in the winter months and travels in the summer.

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